2200 Longmire Drive | College Station, TX 77845 | 979-457-4861
Car Inspections
Every vehicle registered in the state of Texas needs to have a valid car inspection. Vehicles must pass an official state safety and emissions inspection every year in order to legally drive on state roads. Car inspections ensure that your vehicle is fit to drive, making the roads safer for you and other drivers. To learn more about what car inspections in Texas entail, read below.
Texas state law requires all vehicles must undergo an inspection each year. This is to guarantee your vehicle meets the standards of safety and emission. If your vehicle has the “service engine soon”, check engine”, or any other malfunction indicator light on, it will instantly fail the inspection. The inspectors at our auto shop will check a variety of parts in your vehicle. We want to make sure your vehicle is safe for you and your loved ones.
During a car inspection, our inspectors will check the following:
If your car passes the inspection, we will digitally record your inspection and give you a physical copy of the results. If your vehicle fails to meet the standards of safety and emission, we will inform you which issues caused the result. We can also provide you with a cost for the repairs to pass inspection. Texas law requires all issues must be repaired within 15 days. Our auto mechanics at Sevcik's Service Center can provide swift service to repair your car in time to have another inspection.
Sevcik's Service Center is the premier auto shop serving College Station & Bryan, TX. Our auto mechanics can ensure your car is inspected in a timely manner, so that you can get back to your normal daily tasks. When you arrive for a car inspection, make sure that you have proof of insurance, your driver's license, and a payment type. If you need a car inspection, don't hesitate to contact us today!
Business Hours: MON - FRI 7AM - 6PM
SAT 7AM - 4PM, SUN - Closed
Gas Pumps Open 630AM - 8PM SAT